Running OneStopRNAseq (OSR) with COUNT input
If users have a gene count-table, they can use this COUNT entry to perform quick DESeq2 and GSEA analysis with OSR. Below are the supported formats of count-table. Please click the example files to see the format. Besides the count-table, a meta-data file and a contrast file must also be provided. Please see the metadata format, and the contrast format for more information.
Description of count-table format
Three different formats of count table are supported
1. osrCount format
- Example file: osrCount.mm10.xlsx
- This is an xlsx file generated by OSR, typically stored as "DESeq2/COUNT.xlsx"
- The xlsx table header must be exactly: Gene Name Type SampleName1 SampleName2 etc.
- Support of this format allows quick re-analysis of gene-level analysis with updated meta-data/contrast info
2. featureCounts format
- Example file: featureCounts.mm10.txt
- A txt file generated by the featureCounts software
- The table header must be exactly: Geneid Chr Start End Strand Length SampleName1 SampleName2 etc.
- The separator of columns must be 'tab'
- Support of this format allows to run OSR with any featureCounts count-table obtained from collaborators, public database, etc.
3. cleanCount format
- Example file: cleanCount.mm10.xlsx
- An xlsx file that has gene-name or gene-id as the first column, and read counts in other columns
- The table header must be: Gene SampleName1 SampleName2 etc.
- Because no concatenated exon length (Gene length) is provided, TPM/FPKM normalization will not be performed, and DESeq2 normalized expression values will be used in the output tables instead
- Support of this format allows to run OSR with count-table generated with any software, so that users have more flexibility