The .gmt files are created with customized R script (bin/MsigDbr_coversion.R) that converts the tibble output by invoking the msigdbr r package ( Every release of the msigdbr package ships with a specific base version of MSigDB. This website updates the .gmt files every 3 months by invoking the latest msigdbr package. Specifically, the base version of the MSigDB and the update date can be retrieved from the folder path name. For example, the following indicates that the .gmt files are generated on 03/16/2021 based on MsigDB-7.2.1. /msigdbr/Bos_taurus/MSigDB-7.2.1-2021-03-16 Please be advised that OneStopRNAseq requires gene symbols to be in upper case, only .gmt files created after 07/10/2022 are compatible.