
Planned downtime: 11/13/2024 - 11/20/2024. Please don't submit new jobs during that time.


A web application for comprehensive and efficient analyses of RNA-seq data. Due to limited resources, this application is restricted to academic users only. If your fastq is over 250GB in size, the job may fail.

(Click one of the black boxes on the right panel to start the analysis)

Quality Control (QC)

FastQC, MultiQC, QoRTs, SAMStat and samtools will be leveraged.

Differential Gene Expression Analysis (DGE)

DESeq2 is leveraged in our pipeline.

Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA)

GSEA is leveraged in our pipeline.

Differential Transposable Element Analysis (DTE)

SalmonTE is leveraged in our pipeline.

Differential Alternative Splicing Analysis (DAS)

rMATS is leveraged in our pipeline.

Differential Exon Usage Analysis (DEU)

DEXSeq is leveraged in our pipeline.

Allele Specific Expression Quantification (ASE)

GATK is leveraged in our pipeline.

Assembly Analysis (Assembly)

HISAT2 and StringTie are leveraged in our pipeline.

GO and KEGG enrichment analysis

to be added.